About Me

Hi, my name is Rob! Since graduating from college I have been involved with a number of clients, projects and companies as a writer. I have always been very passionate about writing because although I’m an extrovert, I can’t escape the dreaded ‘foot-in-mouth’ syndrome; but with writing, I get to carefully weigh each word before putting it out there. Writing gives me the chance to refine context and emphasize meaning so that I’m left with a balanced thought that can reach more people, and a more diverse audience. Communication is everything, and I have always worked to improve the way in which I communicate with others, regardless of the form it takes.

It’s important that we as individuals are heard; but more so, that we are understood as well. Learning to expand my ability to communicate – to develop more effective strategies in conveying my thoughts and feelings – is as much a personal journey as it is a professional one. I strive constantly to show this in the writing I do for the clients and companies I’ve had the pleasure of working for.

In my free time I am an enthusiastic gamer and fiction writer.