
Below you’ll find some samples of my past and most recent work. Please click on the image thumbnails to view the document/webpage in its original size. You can also right click and select ‘open image in new tab’, or click your browser’s ‘back’ button to return to this page once you’ve finished viewing the image.


Blog Posts

CDBlogPost2  CPBlogPostCDBlogPost1

Copy (Product Descriptions)

 IsobagDescription Dancin' Goat Star Wars Darth Vader Sith Rap T Shirt   TVMovieDepot.com

Brothers In Arms  Hell's Highway - Windows Digital Download - Best Buy  Naruto Shippuden  Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 — PRE-OWNED - PlayStation 3 - Best Buy (1) Assassins Creed Brotherhood3-page-001

Copy (Long Form, Web Copy)

IsobagWebcopy GenX Commercial Use  The Clearance Lab  Hand_Wrist_Guide_Excerpt

Copy (Short Form; Coupons)


 Direct Mailer and Nurture Emails

LF Nurture Email  Page-1  StorageMadeEZEmail-page-001